National Digital
    Government Strategies

    “Our estimates suggest that government digitization, using current technology, could generate over $1 trillion annually worldwide.”–  McKinsey & Co. Public Sector


    Why is strategy crucial in Government Digitalization Initiatives?

    Technology must serve a purpose. Without definitive purpose, digital transformations are predestined to fail. Government Digitization initiatives must align with government priorities and facilitate national strategy execution.

    The government of Denmark designed its digitization strategy for 2011 to 2015 to assist with budget cuts. The digital transformation sped up the execution of the strategy, and the government met its cost reduction goals.

    The government of Singapore has aligned its digital strategy with its ambition to become a tech leader. Their motto, “Digital to the core, and serves with heart”, is incorporated into all public services and manifested in their Smart Nation program. They aim to empower citizens, utilize data, harness new technologies, facilitate businesses, and ultimately build and enhance a digital economy supported by a digital society. This intricate balance and alignment of strategies has made Singapore an international leader in government digitalization.


    Tadafur Empowers Government Entities

    We provide consultation to national governments and smaller government entities to develop digital government strategies with the highest ROIs and benefits to society.

    We align these digitalization strategies with national interests and priorities using established methodologies facilitated by the leadership mindset of our seasoned professionals.

    To begin the digital government transformation of your government entity, contact one of our experts today.

    Adil Kassabi

    Strategic Transformation Advisor & Coach