TOGAF® 9 Foundation course

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    About Course

    What is TOGAF?

    In the words of the creators of TOGAF, The Open Group, “TOGAF® is a vendor-neutral and globally used standard for Enterprise Architecture.” TOGAF a software development framework designed to structurize and streamline the process of software development for large enterprises. Despite having been around for over 20 years, it remains the preferred EA framework across the globe.


    How can TOGAF Benefit Organizations?

    The fact that TOGAF has been around for a long time is credible proof of its effectiveness. Software development tends to get messy. The bigger and more complex the organization, the messier things get. Software development requires structure, organization, effective collaboration, and streamlining of processes to create a quality product. With the basics taken care of by implementing TOGAF, there’s room for greater things like innovation.


    Tadafur’s TOGAF Course

    Tadafur has established the TOGAF 9 Certification program not only for certification purposes, but to empower organizations and their leaders with the structure and potential for growth offered by the framework. This is a 2-day training course which provides participants with a comprehensive walk-through of the TOGAF® Framework. The course is designed to ensure that participants cover the terminology, structure, basic concepts, and understand the core principles of Enterprise Architecture and the TOGAF standard.

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    What Will You Learn?

    • Improve her/his job prospects as an Enterprise Architects
    • Understand and initiate information system projects that are repetitive and fit for purpose.
    • Reducing conflict between teams and improving productivity by using one common standard language for communication

    Course Content

    Introduction to TOGAF Framework

    The core concepts of the TOGAF 9 standard

    TOGAF Management Overview:

    TOGAF Reference Models

    The importance of Architecture Governance